Policy on Filling Departmental Administrative Posts (2023)
- College Assignment of Space to Departments and Programs
- The Dean is responsible for the assignment of all space to departments and programs in the College. In order to ensure that active faculty have adequate office space, the Dean may occasionally reallocate space from one unit to another. In doing so, they will strive to give departments and programs ample warning, and to work with them to make necessary adjustments
- In general, the Dean will grant to departments and programs final decision making on the assignment of office and other space to faculty and graduate students in their unit, as long as the general priorities articulated below in (2) and (3) are followed.
- Priority and Allocation of Individual Office Space for Faculty and Instructors
- College Priority for Assignment of Single Office Space:
- Fulltime active Tenure Track Faculty (including clinical faculty)
- Fulltime active Non-Tenure Track Faculty (i.e. lecturers)
- Part‐Time Tenure Track and Part‐time Non‐Tenure Track Instructional Faculty
- Visiting Instructional Faculty
- College Priority for Assignment of Shared Offices:
- AIs
- Retired/Emeriti Faculty
- RAs and GAs
- Part‐Time Non‐instructional Visiting Faculty
- College Priority for Assignment of Single Office Space:
- Priority and Assignment of Studio and Research Laboratory Space
- Tenure Track faculty engaged in research and creative activity
- Non‐Tenure Track Faculty engaged in significant research and creative activity
- Post‐docs engaged in research and creative activity
- Retired/Emeriti Faculty engaged in research and creative activity
The College space policy is intended to supplement and complement relevant campus policies, including the Policy A-‐8 [From Academic Guide] THE STATUS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETIRED FACULTY MEMBERS AND LIBRARIANS see BFC Circular B9-‐2012.