College policies are written by faculty-elected representatives serving on the faculty governance committee (i.e., College Policy Committee); policies are also reviewed by the College’s Executive deans. The purpose of the policies is to provide essential, though less detailed, expectations than the College guidelines which are issued by the College Deans, annually, and emailed to chairs and directors.
College Policies and Policy Committee
College Policies
College Policy on College-Wide Voting
- Policy on Course Prerequisites Designed to Prepare Students for Program Admission (Revised 2006)
- Policy on Grade Minima Designed to Restrict Admissions (Revised 2006)
- Policy on Instructional Reporting (2017)
- Policy on Remote Instruction (2021)
- Policy on Undergraduate Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Teaching Interns (2018)
Hiring, Appointments, and Retention
- Policy on Faculty Retention (Revised 2006)
- Policy on Joint Appointment of College Faculty in Multiple Instructional Units (Reviewed 2006)
- Policy on Partner Hires (Revised 2006)
- Guidelines on Sabbatical Leaves (Created 2013)
- Policy on Expectations of Faculty when on Release Time from Teaching (Revised 2006)
- Policy on Leaves Without Pay
Salary and Awards
- Policy on Endowed Chairs and Endowed Professorships (revised 2013; 2023)
- Policy on Determining Annual Salary Merit Increases (Revised 2024)
- Policy on Setting Salaries (Revised 2024)
Structure and Administration
- Policy on Faculty Serving as Elected Officials (2025)
- Procedures for Creation, Reorganization, Elimination, and Merger of Academic Units and Programs (Revised 2018; 2024)
- Responding To SEA 202 Complaints Policy (2024)
- Policy on Appointment, Reappointment, and Dismissal of Unit Chairs or Directors (Revised 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015)
- Policy on Changing a "Program" to a "Department" (Reviewed 2006)
- Policy for Faculty Initiated Transfer of FTE (Revised 2011)
- Policy on Filling Departmental Administrative Posts (2012, update 2023)
- Policy on Journal Support (Revised 2006)
- Policy on Mentoring (2012)
- Policy on Name Changes for Departments and Programs (Reviewed 2006)
- Policy on Filling Departmental Administrative Posts (2023)
- Policy on Suspension and Restoration of Faculty Governance in Departments and Other Units (Revised 2006)
College Policies for Tenure and Promotion for College Faculty
- Policy for College Clinical-Track Faculty (2023)
- Policy on College Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor (Reviewed 2006)
- Policy for College Lecturer-Track Faculty - Promotion, Reappointment, and Service Assignments (2022)
- Policy on College Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (1997; Revised 2007, 2015, 2016)
- Policy on College Tenure Criteria (Reviewed 2006)
- Policy on the Evaluation of Pedagogical Practices (Revised 2018)
- Policy on Expectations of Tenured Faculty (Revised 2006)
- Policy for Hiring Faculty with Tenure in Expedited Review (replacing Policy for Tenured Faculty Appointments 2012; Renamed and Revised 2024)
- Policy on Letters Solicited for Promotion and Tenure (Revised 2006, 2012, 2018, 2021)
- Policy on Midterm Pre-Tenure Review (2012)
- Promotion Procedures and Department Guidelines for College Research Rank Faculty (2023)
- Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Department Guidelines (February 2021)
Reports and Positions
- Gender Bias and the Faculty Gender Gap (2005)
- Results from Faculty Survey on Appropriate Service Assignments (Fall 2021)
- The Nature of the Social Sciences (2007)
- The Role of the Humanities (2006)
- The Role of the Humanities: Talking Points (2006)
Retired Policies