Policy for Hiring Faculty with Tenure in Expedited Review (replacing Policy for Tenured Faculty Appointments 2012; Renamed and Revised 2024)
When hiring faculty members who are to be granted tenure at the time of appointment the Executive Dean of the College shall create an ad hoc committee drawn from the current Tenure and Promotion Committee. This committee will examine a mini dossier which includes a CV, candidate statements on research, teaching, and service, and external letters of support. The mini dossier should be accompanied by a letter from the department chair that includes the result of the faculty vote and an assessment of the faculty member’s research, teaching effectiveness, service, and potential positive impact on the College. If the dossier raises concerns, the Executive Dean will consult other members of the Tenure or Promotion Committee to reach a resolution.
At least five external letters are required, of which two will be solicited by the department and should adhere to the College Tenure and Promotion External Letter Guidelines.
In the case of candidates who do not already have tenure or who did not receive it at a comparable institution, the Executive Dean may ask the full Tenure Committee to review the case on the basis of a similar level of documentation to that expected for internal tenure reviews.