I. Administration
The Executive Dean shall appoint an Advisory Committee of three to five tenure-track faculty members from the departments and programs of the College to consider matters pertaining to the appointment and administration of endowed chairs and professorships.
II. Selecting Endowed Chairs and Endowed Professorships
The Executive Dean has final authority over the selection of endowed chairs and endowed professorships, consistent with donor intent. Before the final decision is made, the Advisory Committee will review the candidate’s CV and other relevant materials, including donor intent, as provided by the Executive Dean. The Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive Dean, who sets a deadline for committee responses. This procedure is to be followed except when a different selection process is prescribed in the gift agreement connected with an endowed chair or endowed professorship.
III. Purposes
Use of awards and endowments under College control shall be for rewarding outstanding faculty, recruiting or retaining outstanding faculty, and enhancing programs in accordance with long-term planning.
III. Terms of Appointments
Except as mandated by bequests, the term of an endowed professorship or endowed chair is five years (renewable). The term of an endowed chair ends if the recipient leaves the department of initial appointment before the five-year or other designated length of term is completed. At the conclusion of a term, the power of appointment or reappointment returns to the College (i.e., the Executive Dean in consultation with the Advisory Committee) for review.
IV. Uses of Funds
Distribution of funds not determined in the initial agreement between the College, the affected department, and the recipient, shall be at the discretion of the recipient but must comply with all University policies governing the use of restricted funds and appropriateness of expenditures, as well as any further restrictions or limitations indicated in the donor gift agreement, and must be within the accepted bounds for expenditure of University funds.