Enrollment Data
Statistical Reports Related to Instruction
Below are the most recent statistical reports related to instruction in the College of Arts and Sciences. The reports are in Adobe PDF format and may be viewed online, saved, and/or printed. If you have questions or comments about the reports or the data within them, please contact the College Office of Enrollment Management: Eric Welch (812 856-5480).
Undergraduate Credit Hours by Department
This report shows the number of undergraduate credit hours taken in each College department and program. The data cover the current year and the preceding 10 years. The report includes percentage change in credit hours over the past 1, 3, 5, and 10 years and is organized by division or school.
The data are drawn from the official Week 1 snapshots, which do not include most enrollments in 2nd 8-week classes. These data show the total number of undergraduate credit hours in each department and program based on the course number under which students enrolled. Credit hours in COLL and Honors sections are not attributed to the instructor’s home department in this report. The main purpose of this report is to gauge enrollment demand for each unit’s courses.
View undergraduate credit hours
Undergraduate Majors by Department
This report shows the number of undergraduate majors in each College department and program for the most recent fall semester, the preceding 5 years, and 10 years ago. The report includes percentage change in majors over the past 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. The data are presented by division and school.
Following the campus standard, these majors counts are taken at the end of the first week of the semester and thus do not include the newly‐certified fall majors. As such, the figures are smaller than one sees at most other times of the year. Nonetheless, these counts are particularly useful for discerning trends over time and for gauging differences in scale among units.